Monday, January 09, 2006

A Very The Gold State Friday the 13th

With all the excitement over our glimmering new blog home, it's easy for us to forget that The Gold State is primarily a band thing, so here's a reminder about our Friday the 13th show, A Very The Gold State Friday the 13th:

The Gold State is playing a show this Friday at Harold's in San Pedro. The night happens to be Friday the 13th, and so far, I'm convinced that the entire event has been cursed by Jesus.

We've unsuccessfully invited FOUR bands so far; one has mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, the other three have not-so-mysteriously been almost-able to do it, but had to cancel for not-so-mysterious reasons. I'm not even counting the other bands I know that I wanted to invite, but didn't because I knew they were playing other shows that night.

So, seriously, we need a band to play with us. If you're in a band, or if you know someone who is, and you think they might be able to do it, let me know, or let them know, or something. It'll be fun.

I'm serious. My email address is paul at (be sure to replace the "at" with an "@."” This is a spam-preventive thing that all the highfalutin' bloggers do.)

Please join us this Friday at Harold's, as an audience member and/or as a band. A Very The Gold State Friday the 13th, promises the be the Friday the 13th-iest Friday the 13th yet!

1 comment:

simple said...

I'm not in a band, but I could play the tamborine.

Oh, sorry, Friday is bad for me. I forgot I have another 'gig'.

Well, hopefully you'll find someone, and the night will be fab.