Monday, January 02, 2006

I Want the Titles for Each Entry to Have Nothing at All to Do With the Posts, or at Least, I Intend for Them to Appear That Way Upon First Glance.

I was asked (by one person) why I decided to start doing the blog in this manner, rather than continuing to do it the way I've been doing it. (Actually, now that I think about it, a total of three people asked me about this. That's not counting me, asking myself why I did it. So, that's really four.)

I'll tell you. Listen, all of you, now, while I tell you, in the following paragraph, why I decided to move the blog here.

The Blogger site allows me to blog from any computer, anywhere, day or night, hot or cold. Before, I had to use the special software that was installed on my computer at home. That sucked.

Another reason is that the comments thing here just self-replicates. It's so easy. I just type the blog entry, save it, and quick-as-you-please, the comment link appears. Before, I had to copy and paste HTML code into each blog entry. Sometimes I had to go outside in wet socks to get it.

Then, also, not last or least, there are permalinks built right into each blog entry here. Not that you'd ever want to link to anything on this blog, but if you did, like, for example, if you thought that something here was interesting or brilliant, or if you thought a picture of my face was appealing on some level, you could just click on the little “time” thing at the bottom of this post, and then copy the link. Go ahead, try it. Isn't that cool? The post appears in its very own little window, and I didn't even have to wipe up any spills.

I realize that this gives some readers the opportunity to lament that The Gold State Remarks page has “Jumped the Shark.” I fully realize that. It's not true, though.

It's just not. The new blog is more efficient, more streamlined, and more good. I can make spur-of-the-moment changes, catch-as-catch-can, spring, summer, winter, or fall.

To prove my point, I'll temporarily change some element of this page to a really garish color, the choice of which will be made by the first commenter to address this. All you have to do is comment, “Change the title color to Pepto-Bismol pink,” and lickety-split, it will be done.

Go. Go embrace change.


simple said...

how about some garish yellow? Can you make it flash?

Or, a subtle powder blue would be nice.

paul said...

OK. I'll make it a garish yellow or powder blue. Just for you.

I'm sure there's a way to make it flash, but it's beyond my expertise.

paul said...

I went with pepto-pink, because you couldn't see the blue or yellow against the white background. You're still a winner! Thanks for playing.