Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kraft Singles

It's finally here! No more pencils or books, and no more dirty looks - not from teachers, anyway! That's right, school's out for summer (but not forever), and I'm going to make this the most exciting summer yet, starting now, with a liberal sprinkling of sentences ending in exclamation points!

My grades are already in, too, which surprises me. I guess all of my instructors were eager to dole out Bs to me. That's what I got, a B in each class. Is this impressive or disappointing? Do you expect better or worse from me? Actually, I think that's pretty good, considering how poor my attitude was this semester.

My girlish accomplice and I got a really nice chair last weekend however, which is already improving our lives immensely. I keep wanting to write about it, but I haven't had a chance to take a picture and I figured what's the point. I found the picture below on the internet, and our chair is exactly like it, except in black. It's a knockoff of one of those Eames chairs , and it was made by the Plycraft company in the 60s or 70s.We found it in the lamest thrift store in the region, the Salvation Army on 6th and Pacific in San Pedro. I haven't bought anything there in years because there's never anything useful or good or even entertainingly bad in there. It's the most dismal, depressing, malodorous thrift store I've ever been in. It doesn't have that mildew-y smell that some thrift stores have. I kind of like that smell actually, and it doesn't really smell like dust either. Those smells actually appeal to me, and I welcome them as olfactory clues that there are bargains to be had. The Salvation Army on 6th and Pacific in San Pedro just smells like baby diapers and corpses.

That's why I was pretty surprised to see this chair in there. It had a $40 price tag on it, but I knew it was worth a bit more than that. I thought about trying to haggle with them about the price, but the tag indicated that the chair had only been there one day. As I brought the chair up to the front counter, I abandoned any ambition of haggling, because I actually hate haggling, but for some reason, the lady at the register decided to charge me $30. I guess I must've charmed her or something.

Anyway, we brought the chair home, and I scrubbed off all the diaper/corpse residue, and we moved some other furniture around to make room for it, which resulted in an amazingly harmonious arrangement that, almost magically, made our place seem much larger and more peaceful and much more fun.

So my advice to you is, "Buy that chair, you'll be glad you did."

1 comment:

paul said...

Right? $30 was pretty cheap. I consider myself a bastard for buying it.