Monday, May 15, 2006

Ding Dang

My special female significant and I were with some friends a couple of weeks ago, when the guy broke out a bootleg DVD of a special that Mr. T made in the 80s called "Be Somebody...Or Be Somebody's Fool." There were lots of amazing moments, but by far, the stand-out segment is one where Mr T raps in a musical number called "Treat Your Mother Right." It blew our minds, which aren't easily blown. My friend promised to burn me a copy of the DVD.

Today, to my extreme delight, and totally by coincidence, I stumbled across the video for "Treat Your Mother Right," which some sick bastard posted to YouTube. It was linked to on Neatorama in honor of Mother's Day, which makes complete sense, you have to admit.

You have to watch this. It's the greatest thing ever, and it's going to alter the way you do everything from now on.



Anonymous said...

yeah that video is perrty good.
laura has that somewhere on tape

paul said...

What, has everyone in the world already seen this except me?