Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Water Cooler Henhouse

The other day on my lunch break, to kill some time I went to Sears.


I was immediately struck by how un-Postmodern the whole thing was.

I hadn't been to Sears since my childhood, and I'm pleased to report that it hasn't changed a bit. I was instantly transported back to the wood-paneled-and-taupe, 1982 Sears of my youth. They were actually playing muzak too, and I mean real-live, bland instrumental muzak. I haven't heard that in years, and, of course, I didn't even think it existed anymore.

You know how, a few years back, the Target stores got kind of hip and self-effacing? Like, "Yeah, we're cheap, but we've got a few cool things in here, too! We're down with the whole minimalist, arty, mock-vintage-y thing, but we know you're here for the bargains! (Winkitty-wink!)"

Sears is not like that at all. Sears is in denial. Who is Sears kidding?

Poor Sears.


Joey Polanski said...

Sears still got all em creepy mannikins I remembr from when I was a kid? Or are alla em now makin apearances ovr at Bloggy-Blog?

Cocovan said...

Speaking of muzak, What happened to the song?
I'm in Sears right now, Talking to the maniquins, But they are not listening......Are you?.....Huh?

Geritopia said...

maniquins will come to life when the store closes for the night. and in the morning, they must race backt to their respective positions. because, if they don't, something really horrible will happen, although i'm not quite sure what.

I used to love the Sears catalogue. Without it, life is unbearable.

Anonymous said...

Remember that episode of the Twilight Zone where the woman gets locked in the store after closing, only to discover that she was a mannequin, who had been allowed to lead a life as a human for awhile and her time was up?

Maybe your time isn't up Cocovan...

paul said...

joey - I forgot to pay attention to the mannequins, believe it or not. Next time, though!

coco - The song is coming. Didn't you get my email, personally thanking you for your contribution? Thanks for caring, though!

gerit - Yeah, huh? What the hell?

polly - That was a scary episode, indeed.