Sunday, February 19, 2006

This is the Big One, Elizabeth

The hummingbird in our backyard has chicks now. The eggs hatched a couple of days ago.

We figured the chicks hatched when we saw the mother hummingbird doing a new thing that looked like she was feeding baby birds.

The mother leaves the nest periodically, very briefly, to get food. During one of those trips, we were forunate enough to snap a picture of the chicks.

They look really strange, I know, but I assure you, they're OK. They were fully moving around and doing the baby-bird-open-mouth thing.

Notice the beak looks like a regular bird's beak, and not like the long, narrow beak the mother has. Apparently, that comes later.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

you know i was thinking about the baby birds yesterday and thinking about there progress. i was wondering ...where is the dad bird?
the father figure ?
when birds had children dont they usually stay togeather to raise them untill they hatch at least ? you know the whole taking turns to keep them warm and all ?
i though thats how it worked
please enlighten me

Joey Polanski said...

Have they lernd t hum yet?

paul said...

Doctor, my understanding is that a typical hummingbird father has no role in the child rearing process, other than the dirty, obscene and bad part that I prefer not to think about (screwing).

Cocovan said...

They don't start "humming" until they forget the words.......So I am told.