Friday, March 17, 2006

Tilt A Whirl

I read the Bloggy-Blog post today about dogs' owners cleaning up after them, and it reminded me of how my dog never urinates on fire hydrants, and how much I wish he would.

He'll pee on blades of tall grass or weeds, or on glistening patches of ivy, but never on fire hydrants. Sometimes he'll walk up to a hydrant and sniff it, and it's obvious that other dogs have marked it, because it's rusty in odd places, and I'll think, "Yes! He's going to pee on a fire hydrant, just like in the cartoons," and sometimes I'll even verbally encourage him, but he never does it.

Can someone please help me come up with an amusing final, one-sentence-paragraph for this? I'm drawing a blank.


Geritopia said...

End it by explaining: ..."and that's how rainbows came to be!"

Joey Polanski said...

Dog must figgr: "Turnabout is fair play. An who wants t be pissd on by a fire hydrant?"

paul said...

I think that both of those suggestions happen to be true.

Cocovan said...

Maybe you should show him how it is done.
Well again maybe you should'nt, I got a ticket last time I pissed on a fire hydrant.....Or was that a Fireman????