Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Bitch is Back in Black

One of my long-held assumptions has just been shattered, and my sense of well-being has been compromised. I will elaborate.

My dad taught me how to tie a necktie when I was pretty young, and non-necktie-tying friends have always come to me for help when they had weddings or job interviews. "Paul knows all the knots," they used to say (not really).

I'm reasonably proficient at two different knots, and I had always thought they were the Windsor Knot and the much simpler Half Windsor Knot. Yesterday, however, I discovered that what I THOUGHT was a Windsor Knot was actually a HALF Windsor Knot.


It also turns out that when I thought I was tying a Half Windsor Knot, I was actually tying a Four-in-hand Knot. Who's ever even heard of that?

Four-in-hand Knot.

This is precisely why you should never try anything ever.

1 comment:

Cocovan said...

That was funny.......KNOT!